2010年4月12日 星期一

Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids

Link : http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/adora_svitak.html

According to Adora Svitak, Adult did not listen to children because they think kids are childish and irresponsible. I think she is totally right because parents and adults around us do not really listen to what we're trying to say because they think we're not good enough and could not make smart choices.
I agree with her arguments about parents not caring about children's ideas because they did not trust us enough to do so, and they did not think we're better ideas. Actually a lot of kids have great ideas and they are very creative thinkers, but because adults did not accept their ideas, they did not have the stage for them to shine.
I did not agree when she said kids did not have as much limited ideas as adults. Since, a lot of adults are still creative, and kids sometimes think about the consequences. Kids do not go out and kill someone because they do not think of the consequences then adults.
Adora Svitak is a confident speaker because she knows enough vocabulary to support her arguments and she is confident about sharing her arguments to audience. She is definitely an example of why parents should listen to children's ideas.

2010年3月8日 星期一

Shop Til You Drop

How did it feel to have more or less money than other people in the class?
You thinks that you have more money, so you can buy more things, and you'll have more smile on your face.

How did it feel to see what you could and could not afford at the Global Mall?
I feel awesome because i can afford everything in the mall and i can actually buy a lot of things.

How many of you could not afford education? What would your lives be like if you could not go to school?
i can afford all education, if you could not go to school, you'll have lower quality of life and you won't be able ti buy things later.

• How would it feel to have to choose between food and health care?
I didn't really have to choose because i got enough money for both, but i picked food more than health care because if you have good food you won't need to care about health care that much.

• How many of you have ever been very sick or gone to a hospital or had friends and family who have? What would your life be like now if you had been unable to get medical care?
Most member in my family have been to a hospital, if i am unable to get medical care, i will not be able to pay for the bill and will not be able to get medical help.

• What were the impacts caused by people with fewer Global Mall Dollars, and what were the impacts caused by people with more Global Mall Dollars?
People with less money would have less chance to get sick because they're food will have less chance of getting pesticides, and people with more money will have more chance of eating pesticides because the farmer will be able to afford it.

• Discuss the fact that roughly one-fifth of all people worldwide survive on
less than $1 (U.S.) a day – how does this limit their choices, and what are the environmental, social, and global security implications of this?
They would not have money to afford food, water, health care, and education. If they do not have both food and water, they'll definitely get sick, but they will not be able to get medical help because they do not have money to afford for it.

• When you were choosing what to buy, did you think about the environmental impact? For those of you in the lowest income range, did you have a choice about the environmental impact you produced? If not, how did it feel to not have a choice?
I did not think about the environmental impacts, i did what's best for myself.

2010年3月6日 星期六

V-Day Founder Eve Ensler on “I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World”

1. Synopsis: what is this interview about?
It is about a woman talking about the places that she had been to and the rights of the women that are there. She also gives examples of women losing their rights in different countries.

2. How is Eve Ensler being a global citizen? What is she doing to make a difference in the world (give examples)?
She cares about the situations of different women in the world, and she wants to fight for their rights.
She was trying to save a girl from being a sex slave.

3. Give one example of how girls can end up in harmful situations because of societal pressures "to please" others.
A 15 years old girl turned into a sex slave because if she doesn't obey it, her parents will get kill and maybe her, too.

2. What do you think are the connections between The Story of Stuff and Eve Ensler's story about the girl in the factory making Barbie doll heads?
The girl in the factory of the story of stuff takes in toxic and are payed really low, and the factory of Eve Ensler's story said that girl are force to make barbie and are also payed low.

2010年2月8日 星期一

Avatar Questions

why Jake's colleagues want to destroy the tree the Navi live in?

In the movie Avatar, Humans want to destroy the tree the Navis lived in because there are precious material that spreads throughout the woods, and the tree is blocking their way.

Do they realize that destroying the tree essentially destroys the Navi's habitat? Why or why not?

They did realize that it's going to destroy the tree, but since you can sell the material for a high price, they decided to destroy them.

2. Describe a similar conflict from history.
Iran because it got oils

3. Describe a similar conflict that is happening in the world today.
I believe Israel is one of the countries that has a similar conflict. The great wealth
they have made them dangerous in the Western Asia. It is attacked by Iraq.

2010年2月5日 星期五

A Letter to Mr. Bernard Murdoch

Dear Mr. Bernard Murdoch,
Thank you for your presentation today. I was really touched by the part when you were talking about your family in your home country when the tsunami was almost striking your country. I learned a lot of information about your country, I probably can't imagine what you really feel, but I really want to do something to help your country if I have the power.
I learned that the coconut in your country are dying because of either the lack of land to hold on to or they're no more fresh water. I also learned the meanings of the flag.
The thing that I remembered the most was when you start crying when you talked about the tsunami and the part when you told us that your brother was on top of a coconut tree. If I have the power to save the people in your country, I'll add sand to surround your country, so that it won't get that much wave and probably it can increase the height of the island.