2010年4月12日 星期一

Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids

Link : http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/adora_svitak.html

According to Adora Svitak, Adult did not listen to children because they think kids are childish and irresponsible. I think she is totally right because parents and adults around us do not really listen to what we're trying to say because they think we're not good enough and could not make smart choices.
I agree with her arguments about parents not caring about children's ideas because they did not trust us enough to do so, and they did not think we're better ideas. Actually a lot of kids have great ideas and they are very creative thinkers, but because adults did not accept their ideas, they did not have the stage for them to shine.
I did not agree when she said kids did not have as much limited ideas as adults. Since, a lot of adults are still creative, and kids sometimes think about the consequences. Kids do not go out and kill someone because they do not think of the consequences then adults.
Adora Svitak is a confident speaker because she knows enough vocabulary to support her arguments and she is confident about sharing her arguments to audience. She is definitely an example of why parents should listen to children's ideas.

